If you have certain questions that need to be answered, don’t worry! Here are the most common Kilimanjaro FAQ – updated in 2024. Read the info and know that Mount Kilimanjaro is climbable all year round. We’re happy to see you soon on some of our best Kilimanjaro Routes!
When is the best time of year to climb?
Although you can trek Kilimanjaro anytime of year, June through October and December through March are the better times. Other months fall in the rainy season, which makes for a less pleasant trip.
Is there snow on Kilimanjaro?
Yes. Ice and snow can be found year-round on the mountain’s upper reaches. There are massive glaciers, ice fields, and towering walls of ice that blaze in the equatorial sun. While the glaciers have recently receded, probably due to global warming, they remain, for now, an overpowering and unforgettable sight.
Can children trek the mountain?
Our minimum age is six as part of a family group, including one parent.
What is the weather like?
Usually you will experience every season: summer, winter, spring, and fall, on Kilimanjaro. The trek begins in a warm tropical forest, and then ascends to a cool plateau alive with wildflowers. Higher still, the vegetation gets sparse and the air takes on an autumnal chill. Near the top you find snow, ice, and arctic cold. At the summit it can get as cold as 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Obviously, you need to bring a wide range of clothing.
What to Carry on Kilimanjaro?
Good sturdy hiking boots. Winter and summer clothing. A frameless pack, sleeping bag, water bottle and personal items. (We provide a complete packing list well before you depart.) You do not need any technical climbing equipment.
How much fitness and climbing skill do I need?
Kilimanjaro is a strenuous adventure, but you don’t have to be an elite athlete. Anyone in good health, with a reasonable degree of physical conditioning and a determined attitude can make it to the top. No climbing skills are required. Even the most challenging portions are still a hike (a steep hike, but a hike nonetheless.) No ropes or technical gear are involved. It is recommended that you be able to jog for five miles or for 10,000 meters without difficulty. It is a good idea to have followed a regular routine of aerobic exercise at least four to six months before the trek. Determination is the critical factor.
If there is a problem on the mountain what are the rescue procedures? – Kilimanjaro FAQ
The national park operates a rescue service, and the ranger stations at the huts and campsites around the mountain are linked to each other and to the park headquarters by radio. In the vast majority of emergency cases, the problem is altitude related and the solution is immediate descent to a lower altitude. Our mountain crew are all experienced at dealing with such cases and can bring climbers down to safe altitudes very quickly and without park assistance if it is not immediately available.
If you liked our Kilimanjaro FAQ and found it useful, you might also like to read our Guides & Porters.
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